
News: SEP2 Wins CRN 'Best Sales Team' Award 2024

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SEP2 Sales Team Shines at CRN Sales and Marketing Awards 

We are delighted to announce that SEP2 have won ‘Best Sales Team’ at the CRN UK Sales and Marketing Awards 2024. CRN UK is a leading news source for the IT channel industry in the UK, providing the latest news, analysis, and insights for IT resellers, distributors, and vendors. This achievement underscores the dedication, skill and effectiveness of our sales team, and sets a high standard for them to maintain.

“I am incredibly proud to lead such a talented and dedicated team at SEP2. This award is  all because of their hard work, talent, and camaraderie. It’s everyone in the team’s commitment to excellence that truly sets us apart in this industry. I love my job and going to work every day, and the main reason for that is the privilege of leading this amazing bunch. This recognition is well-deserved and I couldn’t be more thrilled for the team.” 

Jake Newbury, Head of Sales

Meet the team Jake

Meet The ‘Best Sales’ Team

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Our award-winning sales team are not only known for their great hair and unique habits, but also for their persistent work ethic and friendly approach to client service. Our team is made up of individuals from various backgrounds, bringing a diverse range of skills and perspectives to the office, which has been instrumental in their success.

With a team as brilliant, talented and friendly as this, the future looks bright for SEP2.

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Kieron sitting at a desk in the SEP2 office posing for his headshot


Central Response Team Manager

Kieron has been with SEP2 since 2019 and works in our support team.

For Kieron, there is no typical day at SEP2, for one day he can be working through open tickets, another day you could be working on a priority case for the duration of the day, and another day you could be working on an ongoing project, but what Kieron enjoys is that the mix of challenges keeps the role fresh and interesting.

Kieron likes that within the support team everybody works well together, and shares knowledge between every level and are constantly being encouraged to learn.

In his spare time, Kieron’s current favourite hobby is working on his allotment, which gives him a nice change of scenery and a break from technology.