John sitting at a desk in the SEP2 office posing for a headshot


Technical Services Manager

John, also known at SEP2 as JT, has worked with us since 2016 in our technical team. John enjoys working in Cyber Security as he likes the constant challenge of upskilling to keep up with the latest security technologies, and he can back this up with his long list of certifications which include CCSM – Check Point Certified Master, CCSBA-SaaS – CloudGuard SaaS Technical Certification, CCSE – Check Point Security Expert, Check Point Certified Professional Services Engineer, and many more. In his spare time, JT is a practising musician creating both electronic and acoustic productions.

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Kieron sitting at a desk in the SEP2 office posing for his headshot


Central Response Team Manager

Kieron has been with SEP2 since 2019 and works in our support team.

For Kieron, there is no typical day at SEP2, for one day he can be working through open tickets, another day you could be working on a priority case for the duration of the day, and another day you could be working on an ongoing project, but what Kieron enjoys is that the mix of challenges keeps the role fresh and interesting.

Kieron likes that within the support team everybody works well together, and shares knowledge between every level and are constantly being encouraged to learn.

In his spare time, Kieron’s current favourite hobby is working on his allotment, which gives him a nice change of scenery and a break from technology.